Comment Of The Day: Jiyeon is “distroying t ara’s name” so “fuck ur mom and dad”


Imagine my surprise when I woke up the other day, checked my e-mail, and found this two-part borderline incomprehensible e-mail about T-ara‘s Jiyeon.

how can t ara jiyeon date a punk like dat guy.she so stupid and useless to t ara and for dating a compound fool like dat man then she is cheap and a foolish person to be in t ara and is distroying t ara’s name.fuck u jiyeon!!!! and fuck ur mom and dad for making u a cheat

is jiyeon a fool and is she mad or what,i don’t she has distroyed d way i liked her she is such a cheat

I assume this is about Lee Dong Gun, right?


I think.


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