Forensic lab analysis determines that Wooshin did not touch Somi at all

In yes-this-is-real-life news, video of the controversy between UP10TION‘s Wooshin and IOI‘s Somi was sent to a forensic image analysis lab, and they submitted a 10-page analysis to show that Wooshin didn’t even touch Somi.

I had thought it was obvious that he touched her at least once, but argued it was a witch hunt because he clearly didn’t intend for it to happen. However, this is more than enough for me to believe the statements given that no contact even happened and it goes down as yet another reason why believing anything just cause netizens are so sure of it is always dumb as fuck.

This is easily one of the most extra defenses of what should (emphasis on should) be a minor issue, but I definitely understand it considering Wooshin is still labeled a molester for whatever reason.


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