Indie Focus: Lee Yong Won showcases talent on ‘No God’, could benefit from diversity

Lee Yong Won definitely has an established style. Whether you consider it rock or punk rock, his love of distorted guitar, fast tempos, and melodic vocals continues on ‘No God’. For better or worse, he doesn’t stray far from the comfortable ground that he set with his first full length or the music he made in Yellow Monsters.

It’s hard to deny that Lee Yong Won makes music that’s lively and energetic, as the melodies are strong and there’s always an easy way to get sucked into the music. Listening to ‘No God’ does feel like a set of Yellow Monsters B-sides, though. Once you get through the first few songs, things begin to get a little repetitive. While that doesn’t make listening to ‘No God’ boring, it does make you want more or some progression.

What I personally wanted from ‘No God’ was evolution or experimentation, but what is presented is walking on a familiar and comfortable path. Lee Yong Won is an expert at melocore and punk rock and he can show it without a problem, but that’s what becomes the problem on ‘No God’. It doesn’t get any more exciting after the first time listening through it.

I know that Lee Yong Won is hugely talented, and ‘No God’ shows that prowess. But after this, what’s next? Simply hearing more of the same is going to get repetitive and people will start to lose interest. I feel tired after hearing ‘No God’, not because it’s bad, but because there’s nothing that makes me think the next release will be something new.



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