A couple months ago it was reported that former MADEIN member Gaeun alleged that she was sexually assaulted by the CEO of her company, 143 Entertainment, who denied the claim. Shortly after, Gaeun left the group and company due to “personal circumstances”, as the company continued to deny wrongdoing. While looking at what we currently know about the case, and what the company admitted themselves, if anything 143’s explanation for the allegations convinced me more that at minimum something highly unethical happened, if not a terrible crime. And that’s where we left off.
Following that, on social media current member Yeseo liked fan comments showing support for Gaeun and against the CEO. And since then, the situation has seemingly only gotten worse, as 143 has been hit with allegations of not paying overworked staff and getting into a dispute over payments for contracted work on a music video (143 claims the dispute is over needed AI reworks). Understandably, fans of the group have tried to get a response from the company but have yet to receive one, and some of the bigger fan accounts have been blocked for trying to press the issue.
Despite all this, 143 has tried to continue like nothing happened, as MADEIN announced an official fanclub and news of a comeback a bit over a week ago. All of these factors have led to the fandom call for a boycott of the company, including the fandom sending protest banners and trucks on January 10th and 11th.
— Protect MADEIN (@protectmadein) January 11, 2025
situated in 143 ent street and proximities.
메이딘은 7명입니다
MADEIN has seven members
가은에게 공정한 대우를 바랍니다
We hope Gaeun is treated fairly
— Protect MADEIN (@protectmadein) January 11, 2025
last update.
우리는 143엔터테인먼트에서 메이딘 7명의 계약 해지를 요구합니다.
We demand the termination of contracts for the 7 members of MADEIN under 143 Entertainment.
메이딘은 항상 7명이어야 합니다.
MADEIN must always have 7 members.
만약 이 요구가 이행되지… pic.twitter.com/yzz76YWaGE
It’s almost a bit of a helpless feeling to cover this story, because as of now there’s no legal action pending, no ongoing investigation, and 143 seems intent on riding it out. Thus, fans are admirably doing all they can to get the media to pay attention and put public pressure on the issue, but this has all come unfortunately timed, as there’s been tragedy and political drama in Korea so it’s likely getting a bit buried.
Since the remaining members are stuck under contract (and at least Yeseo maybe wants out), that seems to leave boycotting the group and hoping the company cuts them all loose so they can quickly find other homes as likely the best remaining option. Tough choice for fans. Fortunately the fandom already seems to be ahead of me on that front, as they’ve apparently already contacted stores to not sell their albums, and a lot of other organization that you can help with if you want.
Thread of Kpop stores supporting our boycott.
— Protect MADEIN (@protectmadein) January 13, 2025
These stores are a clear example of what it means to have responsibility and human dignity.
We want to express our honest gratitude to all of them. Their support means so much to us.
Hopefully the fandom’s efforts pay off here, because letting a company and CEO profit off a fanclub and comeback after effectively sweeping an alleged sexual assault of a vulnerable teenage employee under the rug with just a simple statement is an unacceptable outcome.