Kim Hyun Joong’s abuse caused ex to have miscarriage + people trying to shift blame to her


Kim Hyun Joong caused the miscarriage of his child during an earlier pregnancy with his ex after abusing her, according to a report by KBS 2TV‘s ‘Morning News Time‘.

The evidence cited by the program revolved around text messages, and assuming they are authentic, it certainly sounds like Kim Hyun Joong cops to doing it.

According to the reports, Miss Choi miscarried her baby because of his violence, but did not talk about it because she was embarrassed to talk about becoming pregnant and then miscarrying as an unmarried person. ‘Morning News Time’ also revealed the texts from last year, where Miss Choi wrote, “What do I do about the pregnancy?”, to which he responded, “We’ll have to go to the hospital [for an abortion],” and she responded back, “Right.” He then said, “When are you going to go to the hospital?”, and she said, “I don’t know…”, and he responded, “What are you going to do?”.

Another series of texts starts by her sending him, “My body is all bruised up like this..”. He responded, “What do you want right now? Why did you send that picture? Do you want me to keep in mind that you’re hurt? I’m sorry. Let’s stop this. I think because of you, I got to see a side to myself that I haven’t seen in years.” She responded, “I guess… I’ve also been hit just enough not to die… I think the baby is miscarried by itself because you hit my stomach so much…”

His agency, Key East Entertainment, said they will not release a statement and will deal with it legally.

In response, his label said, “Key East does not have any statement on the report. We will be giving everything over to the attorney.”

So again, unless the text messages are fabricated, this certainly just tacks on to the reasons why he’s a pretty tremendously shitty human being. I mean, really, pummeling your pregnant girlfriend in the stomach until she miscarries is just … I mean he managed to go to another level of being a piece of shit, which is quite the accomplishment.


Look, I understand that some are growing tired of the issue and people just don’t want to hear about it anymore, but at some point those people should probably realize their comfort isn’t the important thing and it’s not so hard to not read articles on a topic.

Then there are the people pointing out that her actions seem erratic and all over the place. And yes, it’s entirely possible that she’s not in a rational frame of mind, but I’m unsure of how logical I might be thinking if I got my ribs broken by somebody and that same person also caused me to miscarry a child.

“She’s still talking about it because she’s trying to ruin oppar!” You don’t say? Wonder why that might be?!

Nobody is forcing these people to follow the case, and it’s just odd to see people slowly shifting the blame to her when every new item that comes out ends up confirmed by his side and only makes Kim Hyun Joong look more and more like a psychopath.


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Hey, man.