Wonder Girls’ “Baby Don’t Play”, “Rewind”, “One Black Night” are the stars of ‘Reboot’


As many have pointed out over the last couple of days, Wonder Girls‘ ‘Reboot‘ album is deep with quality songs, and “I Feel You” probably isn’t even in my top three on the release despite my overall enjoyment of that concept, music video, and track.

The album’s highlights are actually “Baby Don’t Play“, “Rewind“, and “One Black Night” for me.




“Baby Don’t Play” and “Rewind” aren’t gimmicky attempts at ear-worms, but when they come on the radio or your playlist, you’ll never regret hearing them and end up listening all the way through. Both were better songs than “I Feel You”, but I understand the decision to not use them because they aren’t nearly as mass appeal friendly.

The real star of the album? For my money it was “One Black Night”. It too probably isn’t the type of track that’s public friendly (like Yenny‘s entire solo effort), but to me it sounds like it needs Jennifer Beals dancing to it in an aerobic studio, and I mean that in the best way possible. It’s not as over-the-top manic as an actual 80s song along these lines would be, but it’s better for it, using the slower build to explode to an addicting chorus that’s helped along by the amazing instrumental.


It’s a surprisingly committed and cohesive concept as an album, and by jacking an era in music from the past, it sounds unlike anything K-pop has done in a long while, if ever.

Here’s the whole ‘Reboot’ album:



You can buy a physical copy here for Americans and Canadians and here for everywhere else.


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