Kuroki Meisa & Jin Akanishi planning to make more kids with super genetics

The relationship and marriage of Kuroki Meisa and Jin Akanishi has been tabloid fodder from the start, and they’ve been the subject of many ‘are they or aren’t they a mess’ rumors. Recently though, Meisa made an appearance at a press conference for her upcoming NHK drama ‘Designer Baby‘ and talked about wanting more children.


‘A second child, a third child, I would just be blessed if I had the chance to have another one,’ the actress said.

‘Designer Baby’ explore themes surrounding the genetic engineering of babies according to traits parents want their child to have. Kuroki stated that she would not participate in this, but rather would let nature take its course and accept whatever traits her baby may have.

Of course, it’s not that the relationship couldn’t be troubled even as they want to have more kids, but other than the aforementioned tabloid fodder, there hasn’t been much actual evidence to suggest anything out of the ordinary has been happening in their now over three years of marriage.

Considering that it’s Meisa’s quote and that she’s basically the breadwinner in this relationship now, her desire for more kids would seem to be a positive sign that things are going just fine, and for them to be happy is the ideal answer to everybody who has seemingly been just waiting for this to end in disaster.



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Hey, man.