EXID showcase individual vocal talents in song covers for JUSE


EXID are back and dropping individual clips of them covering songs. The inventive way to promote — both the magazine and “Hot Pink” — comes from JUSE.


LE – “Black”

Mother of god, even LE’s singing voice has that nasally sound.

Hani – “Cheap Coffee”

Hani is really not used appropriately in pop music, but it’s understandable because the genres she would excel at are not gonna shoot her to superstardom.

That said, now that she is famous, I hope she starts like a Korean version of Postmodern Jukebox.

Hyerin – “Blue”

Hyerin says forever underutilized cause she’s not a better singer than Solji and also not faptastic enough to receive music video time.

Junghwa – “Violet”

I think Junghwa’s entertaining, but they distorted the fuck out of her voice and it still doesn’t sound good.

Solji – “Rose”

Solji is Solji.


Of course, the group sung “Hot Pink” as well.

Nope, nope, nope. I am resisting changing my mind on this. Sorry.


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Hey, man.