[Update] Super Junior’s Kangin involved in another hit-and-run DUI accident


Super Junior member Kangin is currently under investigation by the police after he was involved in a hit-and-run DUI accident in the early morning in Gangnam.

Kangin’s Mercedes-Benz collided with a streetlight pole in front of a convenience store in Sinsa-dong, Seoul. Apparently, the owner of the convenience store reported the broken street light pole and reported this to the police. The police arrived and did not see Kangin there. They received statements from witnesses who saw the car accident. It appears as though Kangin left the scene of the accident following the crash. The singer went to the police later in the morning and was questioned about the accident. He said, “I remember hitting something, but I didn’t know it was a street light pole.”

According to the police, Kangin’s blood alcohol concentration was 0.05 percent which is enough to get his license suspended. The police are still investigating the accident.

Aside from any DUI being bad in itself, it’s magnified this time around because he already has a DUI hit-and-run on his record from back in 2009 that’s almost identical to this.

According to Seoul Gangnam Police Station, the 24-year-old singer had been driving after drinking when he collided into a taxi at a halt around 3 a.m. He left his vehicle and fled to a nearby alley but turned himself into police around 9 a.m.

Three people who were in the taxi, including the driver and two passengers, were not injured.

That incident, along with a bar brawl a month previous, was the reason he was rushed off to the army in an effort to salvage his image.


Given that the police have concluded that he was yet again drunk behind the wheel at the time of a hit-and-run accident, as a repeat offender I honestly don’t see how he doesn’t get jail time or something other than the slap on the wrist he got last time. At least this time around he didn’t hit anything with people inside, but since he didn’t seem to care that he even hit something in this incident, it’s quite clear he’s literally putting other people’s lives at risk by being on the road.



SM Entertainment released a statement saying that he’s being put on hiatus.

“This is SM Entertainment.
Kangin’s DUI accident is true. He went to the police station this afternoon after being contacted and was investigated at the scheduled time.
Kangin is deeply reflecting after this incident. He’ll be taking time to reflect and stopping all entertainment-related activities.
Once again, we sincerely apologize for causing worry.”

Deeply reflecting.

Fuck off, come on.


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Hey, man.