Producer says ‘Produce 101’ was meant as porn for men who like younger nieces/sisters


Han Dong Chul, the producer of the show ‘Produce 101‘, is currently getting lit up in Korea and internationally for comments where he likens the popularity of the show and his own intentions by saying it was basically porn for dudes who want to fantasize about their little nieces and/or sisters.

During an interview with ‘High Cut’, he was given the question, “Guys probably will not be interested in the male version of ‘Produce 101’. How do you plan to attract male viewers?” PD answered, “Female or male, people will watch it if the program has a good, strong format. It’s a matter of quality.” He continued, “I’m not sure how to say this, but the reason why I first created the female version is because I wanted to make healthy pornography for guys. Even though the contestants just seem like a younger sister or niece, aren’t they adorable? I wanted to create a type of porn that gives you that feeling, and the male version will also serve as that type of porn for female viewers. I once heard that Rain’s performance was like porn for girls. The male version of ‘Produce 101’ aims to fill in that fantasy, and if it’s entertaining enough then male viewers will watch it too.”

I don’t think it’s actually possible to phrase something worse than the producer did. The intent itself of “this show was so dudes can jerk off to underage girls and not feel guilty cause it’s a cute concept” is terrible already, but on top of that he phrases it in a way that’s basically as disgusting as possible. It’s almost an impressive failure of both ideas and communication.

Probably the only upside of this is that an exec finally admitted that there’s no real difference between “cute” and “sexy” concepts, just people pretending there is and hypocrites slut shaming. Well, that and exposing how female idols are looked at in the industry.




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Hey, man.