BoA drops a flawlessly-constructed song in “CAMO” & it has a music video to match

BoA has finally decided to return to us with “CAMO“, something a little darker and more serious than I expected from the trippy teasers, but also something that definitely connected nevertheless.

The electronic industrial sound reminded me of the one that I gradually grew to love from Taeyeon‘s “I Got Love“, except instead of just being primarily about the drop it persisted throughout, which made it a lot easier to digest and appreciate immediately.

Another thing that definitely helped was that the “CAMO” was so flawlessly constructed. The verses, pre-chorus, and hook all mesh together effortlessly, but it’s not generic either thanks to instrumental bells and whistles as well as the instrumental itself. Rather, it lets that sound speak and grow on the listener instead of constantly interrupting it with jarring switches and/or changes in performance (like rapping or screaming belting). BoA herself contributes to that, as she doesn’t try to do too much and the track is better off for it in the end.

While “Kiss My Lips” wasn’t quite my tempo (so to speak), this definitely left an immediate impression and the 3:36 run-time flew by, which made me keep coming back for more after it was done.


The music video was arguably even more impressive than the song, with the production quality checking in at top notch. The sets were a visual treat and made it an interesting watch throughout that held your attention.

Of course, BoA’s visual came through as expected…

…but the choreography also stood out and helped complete “CAMO”, which ended up delivering the entire BoA experience in one neat package.


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