Monsta X’s Wonho ‘caught’ having a big titty anime girl as a lock screen, netizens mad

Monsta X‘s Wonho has been “caught” by netizens having a big-tittied anime girl as the lock screen on his phone.

Apparently this is the character:

Korean netizens are upset at him over this.

1. [+51, -1] It’s this type of game
2. [+43, -2] It’s not a typical game. Search Destiny Child and see the female characters. They emphasize the female characters’ bodies with minimal clothing. It’s not just a problem of a typical anime otaku. It’s a problem of sexualization and female rights. The fact that he’s using a sexualized product is disappointing enough… I wouldn’t care if he was doing this in private but did he have to put that as the lock screen?
3. [+42, -1] That’s a game character and the game has really bad illustrations. One of the female characters is wearing a swimsuit that has a zipper on the crotch. I think this is why it’s controversial.
4. [+21, -0] This is a chocolate sold in Japan. Are you gonna say it’s OK because it’s just food? Whether it’s anime or game, the fact that he’s using a sexualized product and using it as the lock screen is problematic.
5. [+16, -0] It’s not a controversy but it’s a turn-off

But it’s not just Korean netizens, international netizens were going nuts about it as well. Thankfully, there were at least rational replies to the nuttery, though unfortunate none pointed out the hilarity of idol stans being upset about sexualization.

Remember kids, only jack it to Jesus, because he’ll forgive your sins.

Whatever you do, don’t do things like read articles from morally dubious websites that zoom in on Wonho’s monster dong and use that to fap. If you do, you’re surely ruining society.


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