JYP says he’s gonna be a dad … also he’s writing a book instead of holding seminar about that cult mess

So it’s been widely covered in the press that JYP announced on Instagram recently that he’s having his first child at age 46.

At the end of his message, he wrote, “I have received the gift of a special new responsibility. It turns out that I am becoming a father. I was unable to say anything up until now because we were being cautious, but now that we are in safe territory, I am able to share the news. If everything goes well, it seems that the baby will be born in January of next year. I am truly amazed that I am becoming a father, and I can’t believe it at all. Although I feel awkward and am worried about whether I will be able to be a good father, I plan to do my utmost, as I always have in the past. Seeing as how even I am having trouble imagining myself as a father, I am guessing that all of you will feel even more awkward about ‘Park Jin Young as a father.’ These days, I keep noticing all the children passing by. Based on the doctor’s facial expressions, I have a reasonable guess as to the baby’s gender, but when the baby is born, I will greet you again [with more details].”


But he also addressed other things in the post that everybody seems to have glossed over for some reason. Most notably, remember that whole cult mess reported by Dispatch that JYP promised to address in a seminar open to the press? Well, scratch that because he’s gonna write a book instead and you have to buy it to find out what he thinks. JYP is a genius.

JYP basically says that he has been writing a book called ‘2 Years To Believe, 7 Years To Be Born‘, which focuses on the person who tries to believe versus the person who becomes a believer. He states he’s studied the Bible for the last eight years and that if you read his book he has clarified his positions in detail over 200 pages. The English version is due to come out at the end of this year, since the offer came from America, while the Korean version will come out early next year. JYP concludes talk of the book by saying he went this route so that the burden on his company and artists would be less than if he held a seminar.

Somebody else can do a word-for-word translation if they want, but that’s the gist of it.

This fucking guy. Hahahahaha. JYP has managed to monetize his own damn cult controversy. Amazing work.

Though on a serious note, depending on what the book says it could be an even bigger mess for him. Granted, I would GUESS he’s smart enough to not include any crazy shit that he might believe given he’s under a microscope with this issue, but who knows? Guess we’ll have to wait to find out yet again.


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Hey, man.