Holland announces that he’s looking for an entertainment agency

In a sort of not really very surprising turn of events, earlier today Holland released a statement to his fandom (Harlings) that he is going to start looking for an agency to represent him and his music, in order to ‘meet [my] fans more and let more people listen to my songs’.

Up until this point, Holland has been releasing and working on his music independently.

The full statement:


In short, Holland has basically said that in order to perform any of his music and actually get it out there to more people, he personally feels that he would be helped by an agency. He has also said that he ‘wants somewhere that fits [him] well’.

Having debuted last January, it’s not really a surprise that Holland is looking to expand his music’s reach — the physical copies of his album were limited release and only available for the people who contributed to the crowdfunding of the album in the first place.

Because of who Holland is, as an artist and as a symbol for a lot of people, this is going to be interesting to see how this plays out, and which agency he eventually signs with. There’s really no precedent for openly gay idols at all, so no doubt companies will feel pressure not to take him, or to take him but have him downplay who he is and what he represents for his fans and others. Here’s hoping for him that somewhere decent signs him and allows him the freedom to be who he is.

About Ells

Full-time journalist & former boy group trash. (Not) full of bees. I like Epik High more than you do.