Sejeong assures weird fucks that she’s just friends with EXO’s Sehun, requests they stop harassing her & her parents

Relationships in K-pop are always bizarre to cover, and I don’t just mean the dating kind, but literally any kind of interaction between human beings in K-pop. The latest example of what I mean is former Gugudan member Sejeong explaining to concerned people on her Instagram Live that she and Busted! co-star EXO’s Sehun are just friends.

This was something I wasn’t sure whether I should talk about or not. My fans don’t have to worry. I admit that we get along well on the filming set and we have good chemistry on the show, but I’ve never contacted [Sehun] outside of the set. Any contact we’ve had has been through ‘Busted!’ filmings. There is nothing going on whatsoever, so please don’t worry.”

She decided to address it because people would harass her family about it.

I didn’t think I would be getting so many DMs about this. People even leave comments about it on my parents’ SNS accounts. I was worried about bringing it up at all, but please do not worry, and I would like it if you would please stop leaving bad comments.”

Like people caring about your relationship status so much that they badger you into addressing it is weird enough, but that happening to family is another level. Then yet another level is having to specifically clarify how a work friendship works and that they do not contact each other outside of work.

So either they are dating and have to hide it because fans are insane, they are actual friends and they have to lie about the fact that they are close outside of work cause fans are insane, or they actually specifically get along well at work but do not contact each other due to fear that fans will find out because fans are insane. Speaking of relationships, the parasocial ones fans are in with their faves ruin a lot of shit.


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