It’s b-side time again, everyone – it’s really a shame that I managed to get myself behind on some things, because there were truly SO many great releases during August. Either way, I’m here now – let’s go!
Golden Child – “Fanfare” & “Game (TAG and Jibeom)”
I try and avoid doing this as much as I can, but every now and then I like a group’s album so much that I cannot choose between two tracks. Continuing their theme of impressing me, I liked Golcha’s August efforts so much that I could not find a way to choose between either Fanfare or Game, so I…just decided not to.
Astro – “My Zone”
Weeekly – “Check It Out”
They’re adorable and I always love getting more music from them.
Sunmi – “⅙”
Don’t wanna feel anythinggggggg – Sunmi, an absolute mood.
The Boyz – “Nightmares”
I love! Overdramatic boy group bops!! This is a god tier overdramatic bop!!
ONF – “Summer Poem”
…and on the other end of the spectrum, we have a high energy but not overdramatic boy group bop. We love to see it.
Ha Sungwoon – “On & On”
I like this song, and I very much like Sungwoon attempting some more dreamy vocals, but this was one of those situations where I thought the promoted track (Strawberry Gum) was the correct choice.
Park Jihoon – “Strawberry”
Not my #1 song on this playlist, but very very close.
Red Velvet – “Hello, Sunset”
This is basically the perfect late summer song, and I’m sorry I missed the chance to enjoy it at its full potential. My bad.
TXT – “Ice Cream”
TXT, please stop releasing so many tracks I really really enjoy, I don’t have time for any new groups or literally anything else in my life…please…I am so busy…
CIX – “Lost”
Absolutely loving the synths and the Madeon-style production on this one.
Cravity – “Grand Prix”
Cravity proving, yet again, why they are my favourite group from last year.
Stay Kidz – “Domino”
I always want to like SKZ more than I do, and there are some parts of this song that are absolute brain candy – so progress is being made, is what I am saying.
Verivery – “Underdog”
Another overdramatic boy group bop! This one is a little more restrained than certain others on this list, but it still counts. As always, you know I love ‘em.
Jay B ft. Junny – “Fame”
This whole time, JB’s voice has been crying out for something smooth, and something specifically created for him by Groovyroom. He’s finally getting what he deserves.
Gray ft. pH-1 – “Show Window”
Gray is a man whose music I always love, and so is pH-1. I didn’t stand a chance not absolutely adoring this song.
Brave Girls – “Fever (Remix)”
Brave Girls still deservedly riding that high. Good for them.
Kwon Eun Bi – “Blue Eyes”
A dreamy little song, with exceptionally sweet vocals from Eun Bi.
BtoB – “Waiting 4 U”
This song is a masterclass in gorgeous vocals from BtoB.
MCND – “Cat Waltz”
I like this song a lot, but I am wondering why it’s not in 3/4 time? You know…like a waltz? Ah, well.
…and that’s it! Let me know which b-sides you enjoyed during August, and as always – happy listening.