HA:TFELT faces backlash from anti-feminists/right-wingers for being a feminist

The topic of anti-feminist backlash against idols has been highlighted in the run-up to the recent election in Korea due to it being a potentially significant issue among the younger vote. Following the victory of conservative anti-feminist Yoon Suk Yeol, it didn’t take long for news of further backlash against a female celeb to come out.


On International Women’s Day on March 8, HA:TFELT, the former Wonder Girls member, posted a message on her Instagram.

She started getting hate on this post, and also an Instagram Story of her voting, both at the time of them being posted and especially after the result of the election was announced.

HA:TFELT then posted on Instagram Story the kind of DMs she’s been getting, even responding to one of her harassers and getting a shit apology from them.

This isn’t something that happened just because of that International Women’s Day message, of course. She’s long identified as a feminist and has been on the front lines of that fight in Korea for a while now.

As such, I suppose she’s unfortunately become a target for things like this.

Of course, she ended up getting a lot of support from fans, and she recognized this as well.

Anyway, maybe send a nice message or something, but she does seem to have things handled.

Really I just wanted to highlight a celebrity who doesn’t seem to get enough credit for their activism. Representatives for feminism like HA:TFELT are desperately needed in Korea and it’s admirable that she pushes forward despite knowing it’s a divisive issue among the public and will expose her to extreme backlash.

For a lack of a better phrase, celebs who put their nuts on the line for issues that are morally correct (IMO) but are unlikely to benefit their careers is especially admirable, and she’s definitely doing that here.


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Hey, man.