LOONA’s Chuu opens her own YouTube channel, which desperately needs to be called ChuuTube

LOONA‘s Chuu is already one of the most successful Korean celebrities on YouTube thanks to her series Chuu Can Do It, but she’s recently announced the opening of her own personal YouTube channel with a short introduction video.

The point of doing this is probably having her own thing separate from Chuu Can Do It, as that branding seems to belong to CJ ENM‘s DIA TV. Though they’ve stuck with her through the Blockberry Creative mess, it was a reminder of how quickly things can change, and I’ve seen other successful YouTubers have the rug pulled on them before regarding IP they don’t own. So given her popularity and relevance on the platform, this move makes a lot of sense to me.

For now it seems like it’ll be a variety channel, though she can make most things work anyway. Most importantly, it absolutely must be called ChuuTube, it’s right there.


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Hey, man.