That ‘JYJ Bill’ submitted to prevent “blacklisting” of artists is probably meaningless


Assemblywoman Choi Min Hee submitted a so-called ‘JYJ Bill’ in order to amend broadcasting regulations to put an end to the blacklisting of artists like JYJ, but how much this will actually matter is up in the air.

Assemblywoman Choi stated, “On July of 2013, the Korea Fair Trade Commission put a restraining order on JYJ’s past company and related organizations from interfering with the group’s promotions, but JYJ is still unable to appear on music shows and the unfair actions have been continuing,” and added, “Separate from the issue of the agency that is blocking broadcasting offers and appearances, there’s a need for sanctions on the broadcasting companies that are doing the same thing.”

This law will include prohibition of unreasonable banning of broadcast appearances and the license for the Korea Communications Commission to take proper measures if a blacklisting is to happen in the future.

This makes sense in practice, and I’m sure JYJ fans know better than to get excited by this point, but in reality, getting this passed when it goes against what a lot of music companies and broadcasting stations want to do (with all their money/power) sure seems like a long shot. Furthermore, even if it does get passed, how is this going to be enforced, exactly?

I mean, as it is, JYJ have a court ruling that they can appear on broadcast and can’t be blocked, and they clearly have a bigger following/demand than just about every other idol group that appears on broadcast to promote, yet SOMEHOW they don’t get on. But still nothing comes of that, right?

So I’d love to be wrong with my cynicism, but I just don’t see this doing anything at all.


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