Kim Hyun Joong’s & ex’s lawyers at odds over past settlement + fans lineup as KHJ enlists


When we last left off, there was a report that Kim Hyun Joong had beat his girlfriend during a previous pregnancy and caused a miscarriage. Now there’s a report that Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyers are saying they already compensated her for the miscarriage assault in the form of ~$600,000.

Kim Hyun Joong’s lawyer commented “The miscarriage last year is what Ms. Choi claims, and she received 600 million KRW from us in settlement fee because she said she would spread it to the media about being abused while pregnant. When Ms. Choi had threatened him saying she lost the baby due to his assault, Kim Hyun Joong believed her and gave her the 600 milliion KRW. However, If her previous claims about her miscarriage turn out to be false, then we plan to take legal action against her. If her claims were lies, then it is [considered as] a threat. However, even if it were true, then it is defamation for disclosing what was already settled in private. We are preparing to take legal action,” the lawyer stated.

Just so we’re clear on what’s going on here: KHJ’s ex is suing him for about $1.5 million based on emotional damage and distress stemming primarily from this miscarriage event. KHJ’s lawyers are saying they already acknowledged it happening before via a $600,000 payment and thus can’t be sued over it again … and they are gonna sue her for outing something that they now contend never happened like KHJ just gives out $600,000 settlements cause he’s a naive, innocent woman-beating oppar or something.


Legally, it doesn’t seem like the best idea to go after somebody for something you now deny even though your client already settled before, which plays like an admission, and which your client confirmed happened through text messages.

In any case, it might not matter, as his ex’s lawyers dispute his side’s version of the events anyway.

However, Ms Choi’s lawyers gave an opposing argument, claiming that they did not receive 600 million KRW as a settlement fee, but rather a compensation fee for not pursuing civil and criminal liability for the repeated assault and injury. Ms Choi’s lawyers stated, “She (Ms. Choi) did not mention anything about her miscarriage to anyone at the time. Ms. Choi went through a miscarriage in June of last year due to the physical assault she received from Kim Hyun Joong. At the time, Kim Hyun Joong was aware that she was pregnant, but assaulted her anyways.”

Okay, so they are saying that they got compensated for a different physical assault before he physically assaulted her again while she was pregnant, which is what they are suing for now.

We’ll see how it shakes out, but the thing not in dispute is that he’s assaulted her a bunch and certainly more than the one “mutual love tap” incident as his apologist like to claim. Even by his own admission, assuming she’s making everything else up, he’s now beaten her three times, twice severely enough to at least think she had a miscarriage and to have broken her ribs.


And on that note, Kim Hyun Joong entered the military the other day and fans gathered to see oppar off!





Many fans showed up at the site with signs that read, “We are only Kim Hyun Joong’s fan,” and “Kim Hyun Joong! Please be safe, we are waiting because it’s you.” Fans from China and Japan, among other countries, were reportedly present to catch a last glimpse of their star. Famous actor and KeyEast representative Bae Yong Joon accompanied him to the ceremony. Along with KeyEast’s executives and associates from Japan, they had a meal together in a restaurant close to the camp.



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Hey, man.