ATW: Project Luhan, K-Pop Genres, Drama Formats, Defamation Lawsuits

KPOPALYPSE: The conclusion to the epic Project Luhan saga. Linked to the first two parts here. This is important shit.

KPOPALYPSE: Normally I’d post this on Asian Junkie, but I just got up and running again and I’m way too lazy to edit all this shit. Either way, this was a helpful read for me to get a grasp on the genres within K-pop, particularly the ones I wasn’t so familiar with (or didn’t know existed).


The Korea Herald: The article discusses the live-shoot versus the pre-shoot debate for Korean dramas and why working conditions would get exponentially better if dramas used the latter format.

Everybody who actually works on these dramas prefers the pre-shoot schedules, and the quality of the performances, editing, and directing would probably go up under that format. So why don’t they all do it?

The reasons behind the tight Korean shooting schedule, some reports say, lie in the desired flexibility to respond to viewer feedback. Because the process of shooting and airing simultaneously allows writers to change storylines according to viewer preferences, it ultimately results in better ratings and profits for the show, they say.

This does weird me out as a foreigner accustomed to American television formats.

I’ve written about this before, but the status quo is caving to an extremely entitled viewer base and it’s creatively unhealthy from my view. Many of the tropes dramas commonly lean on that generate the largest critical complaint likely stem from the live-shoot feedback system, as the creative direction of series are adjusted to the whims of the vocal masses. That generally means regressing the storyline to a vanilla, predictable outcome, which really is a shame. As a viewer, I’m a much bigger fan of letting the creators tell their story, opposed to them caving to masses of (likely) idiots.

Things might be changing, but it’s coming along awful slowly.

The Hankyoreh: Remember how I’m generally against celebrities suing Internet commenters using the online defamation law?

Yeah, well this is why.

The public interest law center for the group People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) announced 22 examples of lawsuits intended to silence critics of the Park Geun-hye administration.

When one factors that the law doesn’t actually protect celebrities from much of anything since serious consequences are rarely applied and most lawsuits are frivolous, it’s difficult to see why anybody supports this in action.

The weird part is when I see otherwise progressive or liberal people backing this law just because oppar/unnir “fighting back” is cool or whatever, but there’s much more important shit at play here and there always has been.

This is not a “why can’t I be an asshole without consequences” free speech issue, it’s an actual free speech issue.


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