HyunA’s “Run & Run” MV is BTS footage that is far superior to “Roll Deep”

Well, for those of you who were disappointed by HyunA‘s comeback “Roll Deep” and its total lack of everything that made her comeback teaser awesome, the Queen Of Trolling Concerned Netizens has released a new music video for the (much better) intro track “Run & Run” that milks old production footage for every last click and cent masterfully makes use of some behind the scenes footage from the making of HyunA’s latest mini-album.


The location shots are so much more varied and interesting than the flat, neon mess that plagued “Roll Deep.” The intro’s slower, methodical pace works much better with HyunA’s rapping, and the sing-songy nature of the outro allows her to display more versatility than her actual comeback did in more than twice the amount of time.

Also, HyunA somehow (impossibly) looks even better in “Run & Run” than she does in “Roll Deep,” even though the former is made up of editing room floor scraps and the latter was (presumably) planned, edited, and polished by professionals. It’s as if Cube Entertainment recognized everything that was off about “Roll Deep” and excised all of it for this album intro music video.

I suppose it’s better late than never.

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