Jessica is launching a cosmetics brand, which is … good or bad?


Jessica is said to be launching a cosmetics brand soon with Tyler Kwon, though it’s unclear if it’ll be launched under the same Blanc & Eclare brand.

According to insiders on October 21, Jessica is looking forward to launching a new cosmetics brand and is currently working out the details of the products.

On one hand, this would seem to be smart in that cosmetics are likely to be more in the price range of her fanbase, generating more of those auto sales. On the other hand, it seems to me whenever celebs get into cosmetics, it ends in disaster in some way.

Of course, I know nothing about this shit, and I would’ve let MeLikesSomeHyuna write it for an informed take, but she’s being a hooker right now and is busy at this thing called school or whatever lame crap.



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