Stuff I Found In The Dryer is a somewhat regular feature about gifs, edits, and other KPAP-related stuff. It’s a little bit of the old, a little bit of the new, and everything in between.
Please enjoy.~
A wiener is you.
“Yeah, bruh. I luv real hep-hap … Here, look at dis.“
See the whiteness, feel the shine.~
We care for the clothes you wear. HyoClean No.9™.
Eunji offers some sound advice.
Eyebrow game taken to the next level.
So long … and thanks for all the grass-mud horses.
“Relive your adolescent nightmares in stereoscopic 3D!”
“Save Termina from its impending doom…”
“Meet new friends along the way!”
Quite possibly the greatest game since Super Sasaeng Kart 64.