BABYMETAL drawn with their asses out on a magazine for some fucking reason


Okay, so let’s ignore that the skin tone and facial features of the BABYMETAL members as drawn are one step removed from a World War 2 propaganda poster in terms of a Japanese caricature. Even giving them the benefit of the doubt on that, the members (who are 18, 17, and 17) are on the cover of some magazine with their asses drawn distinctly in a revealing outfit and are seen thirsting after some dude bursting out of a cake.


The weirdest part about this is the amount of their fans defending it. Like I get that it’s metal and all that, but it’s bizarre to take a group that’s not sexualized at all and depict them in this way, especially considering their ages. You’d think that would be considered at minimum sorta fucked across the board, doubly so when they themselves get defensive about metalheads who accuse them of sexualizing the girls. Huh.

And that’s not even broaching the subject that this comes across to me as some yellow fever dude’s wet dream of Japan (complete with underage schoolgirls!) or something. But whatever, I guess.


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Hey, man.