Pledis generously let indentured servants SEVENTEEN have time off after 16 months


Pledis Entertainment is taking an unprecedented progressive step forward in K-pop and letting their indentured servants, a group called SEVENTEEN, have a whole two weeks off to spend with like families or whatever unnecessary garbage (maybe, depending on their schedules) for the first time since their debut.

On September 19, a source told Star News that starting that day, the members of SEVENTEEN will be taking a break. This is their first official vacation since they debuted in May of last year!

Amazing show of good faith by Pledis, of course, but you gotta question whether SEVENTEEN members have what it takes to make it if they need to do things like rest and eat food and continue their attachment to whatever families are. That’s especially true since it’s likely they’ll eventually sue for contract termination and leave for China, a decision that indicates what traitors these laborers truly are and definitely doesn’t reflect negatively at all on institutional systems created by their companies.


Thanks to the anonymous SM Entertainment executive for the insightful guest post!


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Hey, man.