WINNER’s Taehyun suffering from mental health issue, fans skeptical for … reasons


Taehyun of WINNER is dealing with a mental health issue, according to YG Entertainment, and because it recently took a turn for the worse, WINNER’s comeback is being postponed.

The agency explained that they were aware of Nam Taehyun’s mental health issue since his trainee days, but his condition had come into attention when it had worsened during the past few months. Therefore, YG Entertainment announced that plans for WINNER to release a new song have been postponed indefinitely. “After discerning that it would be difficult for him to continue promoting, we have decided that his future activities will be suspended in order for him to focus on treatment. This has been done because the most important priority is his health. He has been staying at home with his mother and is receiving treatment instead of staying at the dorms,” explained YG Entertainment. The agency continued, saying, “We currently cannot predict WINNER’s timeframe for their promotions, which is regrettable. However, the other WINNER members, along with YG, are putting in their best effort to overcome the first crisis that has hit the team.”

It’s unfortunate that WINNER is having their activities postponed, but completely understandable, especially if the issue seems as serious as it seems.

This is positive only in the sense that more and more idols seem to be going public with this type of information, because while it’s a terrible situation, knowing that these celebrities suffer from these ailments does help to normalize mental health issues and removes some of the stigma (ideally).

Then again, fans are now just saying that WINNER hates him or something.

While YG released a statement claiming psychological issues for Nam Taehyun’s hiatus from Winner, fans noticed far before that he has been acting on his own for a while now. He no longer lives with Winner in their dorm or is with them at all. SNS shows evidence of him separate from Winner in several instances. He has also started releasing personal compositions on Soundcloud despite Winner’s postponed music releases. His most recent song has lyrics that allude to a break up between himself and Winner: “Farewell, don’t act sad, I don’t care, you don’t either, I don’t care, nothing lasts forever, I’m alone in the end anyway, might as well sing, shut up, what are you saying? I can’t hear you anyway, do what you want, I don’t care, I can match myself to you but I’m thrown out anyway so I’ll just shout”

Everything said there could be explained by him having serious mental health issues, especially the lyrics. But yeah, make it about the group or whatever because mental health issues definitely don’t exist or something.


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