TEEN TOP’s L.Joe files suit against TOP Media for obstructing solo activities, company responds

TEEN TOP member L.Joe has filed a lawsuit against TOP Media to nullify his contract, as L.Joe says that the company was obstructing him in his desire to have solo activities.

L.Joe’s contract with T.O.P Media is set to expire on January 2018. The reasons given for the lawsuit is an alleged “obstruction in his solo activities” by the agency. He alleges that the company abused their power and created mistrust that has been shattered beyond recovery. The dispute began last year when L.Joe and T.O.P Media had a meeting to discuss renewing his contract. L.Joe expressed his wishes to become a solo artist but felt that the company was delaying his solo activities for far too long.

TOP Media, meanwhile, is saying L.Joe is not fulfilling his contract.

T.O.P Media has countered that L.Joe did not carry out his obligations to the contract. They claim that L.Joe did not communicate properly with the production company of a drama that attempted to cast him. Even though the drama offered him an appropriate role and payment for his level of popularity and experience, he refused to communicate with them.

However, an insider with knowledge of the casting is taking L.Joe’s side.

“When the production company approached L.Joe, T.O.P Media requested 7x the fee L.Joe was paid in his previous drama. This caused the casting of L.Joe to fall apart.” The insider, who was allegedly oversaw the casting for the drama, claims that this was a violation of T.O.P Media’s contract with L.Joe. He claims the agency did not properly carry out their duties in managing L.Joe.

TOP Media then came out with an official statement

The 5 TEEN TOP members (C.A.P, Chunji, Niel, Ricky and Changjo) have all renewed their contracts with T.O.P Media. TEEN TOP’s contract was [originally] valid until January 2018. The [remaining] 5 members all renewed their contracts in December 2016. L.Joe was [initially] in the midst of negotiating terms with time remaining on his initial contract but has instead requested to terminate [his] contract based on wishes to pursue solo activities [instead]. TEEN TOP is busy preparing for their March album and was preparing to record their songs [when he filed for the termination]. His contract is still active and the members and the company both wish for the March album to consist of all 6 members.

…and then issued another one hours later.

It is true that L.Joe has made a one sided announcement requesting the nullification of his contract through our legal team. Although the company has requested that he partake in TEEN TOP’s activity for the 10 month remainder of his contract (until 2018 January 10th), he has refused to do so. L.Joe through his announcement demanding his contract be nullified, stated that he will no longer participate in any activities. The company, along with the remaining members of the group, wish that TEEN TOP could be a group that lasts fora very long time. This TEEN TOP come back album is their first official album after over a year of break and the members are trying to come together to work hard once again. L.Joe has finished his initial recording with the members but has since then filed for a nullification of his contract and stated that he will no longer participate. We (the company and the 5 members) hope that he could continue to be active as a part of TEEN TOP for the remainder of his contract. Furthermore, we apologise for the worry we have caused fans and promise that we will do our best to make sure TEEN TOP’s activities are carried out normally.

TOP Media’s statements are generally just public relations, saying nothing but just trying to guilt-trip him into returning and generate sympathy for the remaining members.

Obviously we need more information, but if it’s true that TOP Media tried to sabotage his solo activities by demanding exorbitant fees, then it’s not hard to see why L.Joe might not be so pleased with that and wants out immediately.


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Hey, man.