Girl’s Day are at the DGAF stage, confirm that ‘ISAC’ is an idol hookup zoo

Girl’s Day were a recent guest on ‘Life Bar‘, where they confirmed that ‘Idol Star Athletic Championships‘ is basically a giant orgy.

Hyeri said, “It’s funny because we can see things when we go to programs with a lot of idols.” Yura added, “There are so many people there and I come to think that there must be at least 10 couples.” In fact, ‘Idol Star Athletic Championship’ is rumored to be the ‘it’ dating spot among idols. Rumors say that idols exchange love notes during the event. Regarding this, Hyeri commented, “There can be someone’s ex and an ex-ex boyfriend and everyone.” Yura added that she saw idols exchanging flirty eyes. Hyeri further explained, “But the love doesn’t happen at that spot. It’s more like scanning and searching.” Sojin commented, “They probably have ‘something’ going on.” Girl’s Day brought laughter as they revealed, ”But it never happened to us. Not even once.”

Not that Girl’s Day have ever really seemed to be that conscious about their image, but now it seems like they’re truly at the too old for this shit stage, which is always great for entertainment.



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