James (ex-Royal Pirates) reveals terrible pic of seemingly dead arm, vents righteously

Former Royal Pirates member James had previously took us through the horrific accident that effectively ended his music career, which was seriously tragic. While he had posted somewhat gruesome photos of his wrist/hand before, nothing could compare to his recent post, during which he vents righteous frustration.

Im so pissed man. This is only part of what i went through. Rotting flesh before my eyes. Before my mom’s eyes. Hiding from my friends and fans because i dont want to bring anyone down. I quit my band. I left my company. I left the seeds i had sown. And every day i am trying to be positive. To start over. But i am so pissed. Crushed bones and hundreds of hours of rehab and now every day i have to fight. I hate you so much. I have to fight every single fucking day. My hand was chopped off and i try to find alternatives. now im a fucking shell of myself. Everyday i hear a new fucking crack or pop and feel a new twist or sprain or tear and your restaurant is fine and dandy. I passed you guys this trip to korea even though i didnt want to step anywhere near you but i still see you often in my nightmares. You guys were packed with customers. Do they know your ethics or what they would have to go through if they were crushed in your place? I rewatched the cctv yesterday. I dont even remember who i used to be. All i can say is how dare you. How dare you ruin my life and come at me with this garbage about facts and figures. How dare you. If it was your son. Your family. What would you do?

I’m assuming the renewed frustration stems from the ongoing lawsuit, where they’re likely haggling over damages. Seriously wish him the best of luck.

While his wrist/hand look messed up now, it’s miraculous how far it came based on the picture James uploaded. Looks straight out of a horror movie, honestly.


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Hey, man.