Singer Roy Kim being investigated for involvement in Jung Joon Young molka group chats

Recent reports have singer Roy Kim being one of the celebrities linked to the Jung Joon Young molka group chats, which shouldn’t come as a surprise since his name has been tied to this in rumors due to his relationship with Jung Joon Young. Police will call him in for a witness interview but he has not been booked yet.

On April 2, it was revealed that Roy Kim is the singer that recent reports have been referring to as celebrity Kim. Furthermore, the report states that he will be called in for a witness interview.

A source from the police said, “13 of the 16 people will be questioned,” and, “Seven people have been booked, and there is a chance that there will be more depending on the results of the witness interviews. As for whether or not [Roy Kim] will be booked, that will be reviewed after the questioning.”

His agency have said they have not been able to contact him yet.

A source from his agency commented, “We haven’t heard anything yet. We will check with him as he is currently going to school in the United States.”

Like the rest of the individuals in the group chat, whether he’s booked or not will essentially depend on whether he distributed or took any molka himself.

That said, I don’t think there’s much debate surrounding his presence in the group chats since both the police and media have the source files and the names involved.


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Hey, man.