Perfume showcase their unique appeal with impressive Coachella stage

While Perfume was named by media outlets as one of the highlights of Coachella‘s first weekend, nobody saw it except those who were there thanks to their performance not being livestreamed. Thankfully that changed in the second weekend and boy did we get a taste of what the previous reviews meant.

Basically it was a scaled-down version of what they were doing on their ‘Future Pop‘ world tour, but they still managed to use live 3D-scanned visuals and augmented reality segments. Their set list was significant, consisting of “Story“, “Future Pop“, “Electro World“, “If You Wanna“, “Fusion“, “Edge (Remix)“, “Daijobanai“, “Pick Me Up“, “Fake It“, and “Flash“. My only complaint is they didn’t perform more of their classics instead of their (IMO) inferior newer material.

Folks, you know Perfume is good because of this anyway.


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Hey, man.