Yoo In Suk admits to prostitution solicitation, Seungri denies involvement, 17 women booked in connection with prostitution

Seungri is currently facing multiple investigations for suspicion of soliciting prostitution, and one of those instances being looked at happened in December of 2015 in regards to Japanese businessmen. During investigations, Yoo In Suk reportedly confirmed to police that prostitution solicitation occurred, and further reporting have him saying Seungri was involved.

Seungri and Yoo In Suk were both called in for questioning by the police on April 23 regarding suspicions of them mediating prostitution. Specifically, they were questioned about the Japanese investor and his accompanying party of seven to nine that visited Korea in December 2015. Prior to April 23, both Seungri and Yoo In Suk maintained that there was no provision of prostitution services. However, when police showed Yoo In Suk records of a transaction between him and a woman who manages prostitutes, he said “I’m sorry” and admitted to the allegations.

“Seungri called female prostitutes and paid them to be with the Japanese businessmen in 2015.” – Yoo In Suk

Meanwhile, Seungri has admitted that he paid for the hotel, but says it wasn’t for prostitution.

Seungri is maintaining that he was not involved in any prostitution mediation. When police stated that Seungri paid (30 million won; approximately $25,900) for the hotel where the investor was hosted with prostitutes with a YG Entertainment company card, Seungri acknowledged doing so, but said, “It wasn’t to provide prostitution services.” He explained that he received good hospitality from the investor while abroad and that he wanted to return the favor by paying for his stay in Korea. He said, “I didn’t know there was any prostitution.”

YG Entertainment, as they have throughout, have distanced themselves by saying that Seungri was the one who paid the company card off.

A source from YG responded to reports of Seungri using a company card to pay for the Japanese investor’s hotel, saying, “Personal expenses [put on the card] not related to Seungri’s work were paid by Seungri.”

Despite this, police have also said that 37 women were investigated for prostitution and 17 were booked, with most of those admitting to the charges, and all of them also linked to the Japanese businessman case.

On April 25, an official at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency said, “We investigated and booked 17 women involved in prostitution. Most of them have admitted to the prostitution charges. Of the 17 women who were booked, some were brought in on charges of prostitution and some were for prostitution mediation.” All the women booked so far are said to be involved in allegations that Seungri mediated sexual favors for Japanese investors.

The only good thing about this is that their reported admission of prostitution makes it awful difficult for Yoo In Suk and Seungri to pretend that wasn’t what was happening.

It is a shame though that at least the alleged prostitutes have to be legally punished for their participation.


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