[Update] TWICE’s Jihyo & Kang Daniel reported to be dating, JYPE & KONNECT confirm

In dating news that has seemingly come out of nowhere, it’s been reported by Dispatch that TWICE‘s Jihyo is in a relationship with Kang Daniel.

According to Dispatch, Kang Daniel and Jihyo were seen on a date in the neighborhood of Hannam in Seoul on August 1, and they reportedly began dating in the beginning of the year. The two reportedly met at Kang Daniel’s home, and Jihyo drove there in her own car. The two stayed within the neighborhood’s UN Village. A source close to the two idols shared, “A sunbae close to Kang Daniel and Jihyo introduced the two to each other.” Dispatch further reports that Kang Daniel and Jihyo met over once a week.

JYP Entertainment and KONNECT Entertainment are checking facts.

Man, the potential for mess here is high, but it seems like a cute couple so hopefully things won’t get too bad.

Also worth mentioning that this seems like a rather barefaced attempt by his former company to get back at him given the tactics they’ve already used thus far.


JYP Entertainment has confirmed that the two are dating.

Jihyo and Kang Daniel are currently meeting with good feelings for each other.

KONNECT have also confirmed.

Away we go, I guess.


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Hey, man.