Songs You May Have Missed: July Edition

It’s that time again! Over the past month it’s been hot as hell in my neck of the woods, so at one point I definitely said that this month’s playlist would consist of exactly one song because the heat got to me way too much. But, I have recovered and I have 11 tracks that you might have missed this month to chill out or hype up to, or really just be the soundtrack to whatever you want.


Junoflo – “Wide Awake”

Junoflo’s signature combination of chill and intense is really shown off in this track, his first since leaving Feel Ghood Music.

Bronze Feat. Sumin – “Door’”

And the winner for best road trip track of the summer goes to this song for being a hot beach summer jam.

Jooyoung Feat. pH-1 – “Samcheong View”

Okay so this track was actually released on the last day of June, but I couldn’t leave it off this list. It’s soft and stripped back and sounds like napping on a Sunday afternoon feels.

verycoybunny – “Joking”

This track is a good combination of breezy vocals and a sweet 90s electronic percussion layer.

Lofibaby – “SOS”

The singer is literally on a beach so I don’t think I need to make a case for this one being a good summer track. This song definitely turned me into a fan extremely quickly.

Cherry Coke – “Salt”

Dreamy and soft and truly lovely.

G.reedy – “Foolish”

A slightly melancholy Lee Hi-type sound, but in the best way. That said, this song is way too short as it does feel a bit like it ends just as it really gets going.

Hyuk – “Way To You”

Hyuk, VIXX’s giant hulk of a maknae, continues to release solo tracks and it’s nice that he finally gets to show off his vocals properly.

GroovyRoom Feat. Paul Blanco & UNEDUCATED KID – “Face Down”

GroovyRoom never ever lets me down when it comes to beats. Although the flow in this song from the rappers is patchy in some places, it’s still a solid groove.

Punchnello Feat. Sam Kim – “23”

Punchnello is yet to release anything that I love as much as anything off his ‘LIME‘ EP, but this song is still very pretty and his softly-scratchy voice is as charming as ever.

CIX – “Imagine”

CIX debuted recently with their super-smooth track “Movie Star,” but this is the song off the mini-album that I’ve been enjoying the most, and I’m of the opinion that there are always b-sides that need more love.


That’s it for this month, happy streaming!

About Ells

Full-time journalist & former boy group trash. (Not) full of bees. I like Epik High more than you do.