Songs You May Have Missed: September Edition

It’s finally autumn, the superior season, and I’ve come out of my fury-based summer haze to bring you a new playlist. With further faffing around, let’s go!


Minty – ‘Arcadia’

Minty’s sweet vocals match nicely with this dreamy-upbeat melody, and there’s some pretty modulation scattered throughout.

Colde – ‘Control Me’

Colde is truly a man who never stops, and he also never disappoints me. His slightly-nasal vocals are soft and gorgeous on this melancholy track.

VIXX – ‘Parallel’

I was surprised when VIXX very suddenly announced a new digital single just before their concert, and while it’s not their usual super-detailed concept thing they do, this song is fun – and it’s nice to see them again after a long time.

Bol4 – ‘Workaholic’

Nice, husky vocals, a pleasant groove – this song is all around pretty solid even if it’s nothing groundbreaking.

GroovyRoom ft. Youra & Leellamarz – ‘Color’

GroovyRoom is – and this is gonna be a shock – currently the master of soft grooves, as far as I’m concerned. This is another release that very quickly made it into my personal monthly playlist.

TWICE – ‘Love Foolish’

Listen, I’m a big believer in listening to b-sides or big releases. As someone who’s never really managed to get into TWICE, their new album surprised me with how much I liked it. This track and ‘Trick It’ are my favourites currently.

Ryu su a – ‘H!’

The MV for this song is very low-budget but very sweet, and su a’s voice is truly lovely over an extremely simple melody. This is a perfect rainy day song.


And that’s it for this month! As always, feel free to leave any recommendations in the comments or tweet them to me @hm_worthed – and happy streaming!

About Ells

Full-time journalist & former boy group trash. (Not) full of bees. I like Epik High more than you do.