Songs You May Have Missed: February Edition

Hello, it’s me. I’ve got a playlist for you of tracks you probably didn’t listen to for the month of February, which unlike January lasted all of ten seconds.

I’m not gonna lie, putting this together this month was an absolute struggle and a half. I’ve been busy, but I tried my best. Let’s go.


Gaeko & Heize – “Cold”

This song isn’t quite Gaeko at his best, but it’s nice and mellow. Heize is, as usual, the perfect way to lift a track up.

Casker – “Teardrop”

My sweet, beloved Casker. I’m still waiting for them to release something I don’t like and they’ve not done it yet. If you like soft, dreamscape vibes with a distinct melancholy feel, I beg you to listen to their last couple of releases.

Sumin & Zion.T – “Dirty Love”

This is the first of two tracks with Zion.T this month. This song is fun and has a sort of quiet vibe to it, if that’s your kind of thing (it’s very much mine).

Vince Feat. Zion.T – “Emergency”

On the complete other end of the spectrum, this song is completely overdramatic in tone and I’m 100% here for it. Also, Vince has a truly lovely voice.

Hash Swan – “Gethsemane”

I somehow managed to miss the fact that Hash Swan (god, I really never get over that name…) released an entire album for a few weeks, and then as soon as I found it I listened to the whole thing through twice. This is my favourite track by a wide margin.

Nafla Feat. DEAN – “Under The Ground”

This song is Extremely Dean so it makes sense that he’s featured on it. It’s smooth as fuck and that chorus has been stuck in my head for ages.

OuiOui – “Too Late”

Synths! We love synths! We love vocalist ladies! Please stan OuiOui. (Still waiting for youuuuuUUUUUUoooUUUUUUU.)

VIXX’s RAVI Feat. Paloalto – “Rockstar”

Has Ravi finally released a song that I like??? Thought I’d never see the day. I’m a huge VIXX fan and I’ve always had a soft spot for Ravi, but most of his solo stuff hasn’t worked for me. This track is fun and catchy though, even if the vocal effects are WAY too harsh.

BLACK6IX – “Call My Name”

I love an overdramatic boy group bop and this more than delivers on that front, even if the production is a bit messy and everything is honestly just too high up in the mix.

GFriend – “Labyrinth”

I feel like this doesn’t fully count as a b-side since it’s both the name of the album and there’s a dance practice video for it, but I love this song and I’m including it anyway. Thanks to the friend who recommended it to me!

iKON – “All The World”

This is the best song off iKON’s album and no I will not be accepting any other thoughts on the matter. iKON are at their best on this track.


And that’s it for tracks from February! As always, feel free to recommend me anything you think I might have missed in the comments or tweet me @hels_worth.

About Ells

Full-time journalist & former boy group trash. (Not) full of bees. I like Epik High more than you do.