[Giveaway] Announcing the winners for our Dreamcatcher’s ‘Road To Utopia’ album giveaway!

The giveaway for the Dreamcatcher’s ‘Road To Utopia’ album has ended and the 20 winners have been chosen.

Congratulations to @DeukaeSmiles, @myouisharonhi, @daji_ark, @arpanmukhopadh5, @sinbaebaeee, @roadtoutopie, @Somnie98, @yeolkim92ifah, @minjisnoul, @siyeonysm, @somniadeul, @deukaesomnia96, @Slava86507706, @Syrdarya, @JiUrs4ever, @7DCdreamers, @SmolbeanVale07, @odangoninja, @BB0YAKK4M, @forever_9MINE.


I say this every time, but if you didn’t win, I’m sorry. I do feel shitty when choosing cause I feel like it disappoints a lot of people, but if you have the money, please consider buying the album.

If not, please support any chance you can.


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Hey, man.