Holidays deliver covers galore with Chaewon’s “First Love”, Yunjin’s “Last Christmas”, Billlie’s “Merry-Chri”, Lily’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” standing out

Yo, Merry Christmas, you filthy animals!

Unlike in past years, everybody in my family is getting older and thus the parties are being reduced, so I can spend Christmas being a degenerate with anybody actually reading Asian Junkie Dot Com on Christmas Day.



Anyway, there have been a bunch of covers released lately (most of them Christmas-themed), but there are a few in particular I wanted to draw attention to*.

*Aside from Dreamcatcher‘s since I think they’re releasing like 30 of them while on “vacation”, so one separate post for that.

Let’s start with a non-Christmas offering, which is LE SSERAFIM‘s Chaewon giving Utada Hikaru‘s “First Love” a whirl. To be fair, it has a Christmas feel, especially with the drama’s setting.

Then there’s Billlie doing impressive work with BoA‘s “Merry-Chri“.

Loved both of these, and I feel like these are two songs that should have more covers. They’re great and iconic songs that are instantly recognizable and get people like myself to instantly pay attention, but are also well within the vocal range of most main vocals and potentially allow them to showcase their talents.

Speaking of talent, here’s NMIXX‘s Lily doing “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey, presumably while wondering why she’s instead on songs name-dropping Coke Zero.

And capping off this post, here’s Yunjin doing Wham!‘s “Last Christmas“.

There were a lot of “Last Christmas” covers, but much to my dismay, many of them either did the Ariana Grande version or stripped the Wham! version of what made it an all-time great Christmas song, which is that it was a legitimate fucking smash pop song instead of some snoozer. It’s okay for themed songs to have some bounce to it!

Anyway, Yunjin’s version was headed for the maudlin as well, but it ramped up in the back half and the fact that it had a live accompaniment was just great.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, you shitters!


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