Survival show UNIVERSE TICKET reveals final lineup to debut as UNIS, including a 12-year-old

SBS survival show UNIVERSE TICKET has completed its 10 episode run and has revealed the eight members that will be part of the final group named UNIS. Elisa, Bang Yunha, Nana, Gehlee Dangca, Lim Seowon, Oh Yoona, Kotoko, and Jin Hyeonju (Cignature‘s Belle) were the named as the members, creating a diverse group of four Koreans, two Japanese, and two Filipinos (Jin Hyeonju is half-Filipino as well).

That said, the group’s age has shocked netizens, because while Jin Hyeonju is 22, the other seven members are all minors. Nana, Gehlee Dangca, and Kotoko are all 16, Bang Yunha, Elisia, and Oh Yoona are 14, and Lim Seowon is debuting at the shocking age of 12. So that’s an average age of 15.5, with Jin Hyeonju raising that average by around a whole year by herself.

So yeah, safe to say none of the discourse or backlash internationally over groups beginning to trend younger again have mattered as all, if anything debuts are getting younger than ever.


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