[Update] aespa’s Karina and actor Lee Jae Wook confirmed to be dating, according to agencies

Despite it not even being January 1, Dispatch apparently didn’t want to wait to report that aespa‘s Karina and actor Lee Jae Wook are in a relationship. Even by their own account, the two only met and started dating a bit over a month ago on January 14, which seems like jumping the gun a bit for the outlet.

According to an exclusive report from Dispatch, Karina and Lee Jae Wook are in a relationship. The two were able to spend time together at Prada’s fashion show on January 14, where their relationship started.

They have reportedly spent time together in Milan and Seoul despite their schedules, with one insider saying they fell in love at first sight.

“I think it’s fair to say they fell in love at first sight. They fell in love from the moment they met at the fashion show.”

The article is accompanied by grainy stalker pictures, though notably none with the two in the pictures together. The two agencies, SM Entertainment and C-JeS Entertainment, say they are currently checking.

Anyway, everybody around here knows Karina, but Lee Jae Wook is a rising 25-year-old actor probably best known as the lead of Alchemy Of Souls, and who has two upcoming streaming series this year in The Impossible Heir on Disney+ and Hong Rang on Netflix.

Looking forward to which fandom has the biggest meltdowns, as always.


Both agencies* confirm they are getting to know each other, aka dating.

*It’s also funny that SME and C-JeS had to coordinate, considering JYJ and all.

Lee Jae Wook’s agency CJes Studios commented on February 27, “The two are getting to know each other.” The agency added, “Lee Jae Wook is currently filming [a drama], and as this involves his private life, we ask for warm respect to be shown.”
Karina’s agency SM Entertainment similarly commented, “Karina and Lee Jae Wook are getting to know each other.”

Let the tears flow.


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Hey, man.