BESTie’s “Excuse Me” is your flawless jam of the summer with the music video to match


Sorry I didn’t give everybody a chance to scream and shout about this until now, but I had to calm my tits a bit before writing about BESTie‘s “Excuse Me“, which is arguably both their best song and music video, and one of the best releases so far in 2015.

After the great “Thank U Very Much“, I was disappointed to see BESTie take a step back with “Hot Baby“, but they’ve come back extremely strong with “Excuse Me”, which is now my favorite BESTie song (eat your fucking hearts out “Love Options” stans).

For starters, the instrumental was right up my alley with a prominent horn section featured, and the pace of the song was diverse throughout yet still managed to be cohesive. Vocally, BESTie continue to be oddly unhyped, even with Uji being able to do anything asked as usual, and the relatively underrated Hyeyeon doing yeoman’s work of her own. And while Dahye isn’t really a rapper, she manages to do what a pop group needs a “rapper” to do, which is complete the song’s sound with changes of pace and tone while projecting attitude and conveying confidence.

All of that leads to an aurally pleasing experience in itself, but the stuff that helped put it over the top for me was the effective way “excuse me, excuse me” was peppered throughout the track, and the pre-chorus chanting of “get out my way” was a catchy and clever way to build to the meat of the chorus, which is capped by a vocal explosion. Hell, even the “put your hands up in the air” bridge was effectively light and calming before Uji started to clown on all your shitty biases for a good 45 seconds. For all these reasons, it’s a song that’s extremely easy to listen to over and over again without tiring of it.


The music video was also the best effort of their career to date. The concept is a clever idea, where they had setup the typical girl/boy chase deal, but instead of going for cliche “pursuit and catch” or “I’m strong and too good for you” plots, BESTie stole the glasses from “They Live” and revealed man’s inner nature when around them, which is primarily being perverts (well, the gig’s up, boys).


Clever, girls.

Besides, the plot of the music video doesn’t even mention the PLOT of the music video which is BESTie being ungodly hot and running around in what amounts to underwear for a lot of the video.


Even when the shots aren’t of them in their underwear, it’s in something sexy (the bikini on the outside look was the only slightly off-putting minus) and they all look ridiculous, especially Uji, who is not human.


Then to top it all off, they just interjected a gay street orgy into the music video at the very end.


Trolling Korea to boot. What else can you ask for?

10/10 would and have watched over and over again.


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Hey, man.