Zico & Zion.T team up for “Eureka”, the saxy unrepentant thirst anthem of 2015


Zico and Zion.T pairing up just seemed like a good idea, but based on Zico being Zico and Zion.T being willing to co-sign on just about anything, “Eureka” could easily also be an unmitigated disaster. Thankfully, this collab fell on the awesome side of things instead.

Zion.T’s vocals are perfectly woven into this track, as he opts out of singing a chorus just to sing one. Instead, the vocals fit into the flow of the song and keep all the momentum going for the star of the whole thing: the sax drop.

Look, this is cheating, because I’m never hating on a sexy sax man sax drop, but apart from that, I thought it was actually great structuring for the song. Instead of going with typical and retread hep-hap yoloseg trap drop, Zico instead repurposed that concept and gave it to a sax solo instead and it’s executed perfectly.

As for Zico, while he can be utterly insufferable at times and there’s really no apologizing for the dumb shit he does, it’s no surprise he can retain so many fans. On “Eureka”, Zico’s changes in flow and intonation were executed well, and that’s not always been the case recently when he’s fallen too in love with 42069yolosweg. Along with his guest spot on “Pour Up, it’s nice to see this turnaround back to his mixtape days.


But what makes it a thirst anthem, right? After all, girls in music videos are standard.

Well, while the girls might be stock for a rap music video, I don’t even think Jay Park could come up with such direct lusting as “I want to touch you, big booty girl, there’s an exclamation mark in my pants, I’m all antsy” or “because of your curvy figure, my lower body is in fits of passion, until I get my fill of you” or “can you be my new (sexy) bride, papis* with no feel, stop gulping“.


Then again, at least Zico and his dick do manage to pick out the hotties.




The weird part is that the music video is actually pretty great. It uses a Dick Tracy type of trope, and most importantly it doesn’t take itself too seriously, which takes the edge off some of the desperation of the lyrics into a more tongue-in-cheek vibe.

More of this, less “Tough Cookie“.


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