‘TWICE’s Private Life‘ episode seven has arrived with English subs, and this episode was all about dating, and more than anything it was about them saying shit that’ll probably get them in trouble later when they inevitably end up collecting all the penises.
The episode as a whole was more for teenage female fans than it usually is, as they broke off into three groups and dated each other, but at least the episode started off strong by doing a hidden camera.
Some were ashamed…
…but Dahyun was on that shit immediately.
They also did that Ideal Type World Cup thing they used to do on ‘Strong Heart‘ or whatever.
Christ, Song Joong Ki‘s popularity is never going to end (until he cries).
At some point in her life, Jungyeon is 100% going to throw quarters at strippers, male or female.
The thirst is there. You can see it in her eyes, lurking.
They also did this more cringy than usual message to their future boyfriend shit, but Dahyun is still relevant anyway.
It’s appropriate when you think about it.
Next episode is when they go to Japan, which I’m actually interested in for reasons aside from the show, just because I want to see what the reception there might be like in terms of numbers and how having actual Japanese members might work as the wave has leveled off in Japan.