TOKIO’s Yamaguchi Tatsuya forcibly kissed 16-year-old girl after giving her alcohol

TOKIO member Yamaguchi Tatsuya recently admitted to forcibly kissing a 16-year-old girl after giving her alcohol, and has settled the case with the victim as well as apologizing.

The police report states that Yamaguchi invited the 16-year-old back to his home back in February. The two originally met through the NHK television show R no Hosuku, which Yamaguchi is a member of. While the two were at his place, he continually offered and encouraged her to drink alcohol. After that he forced her to kiss him. Yamaguchi released a statement saying ” I offer my apology with my whole heart to the victim. She has agreed to come to a settlement”. In future episodes of R no Hosuku the 46 year old was supposed to meet up with more high-school girls, but those episodes were canceled.

Boy, it’s rather creepy to think he was going to do more episodes with high school girls and this is what he was thinking about them.

Meanwhile, Johnny & Associates released a statement.

“Yamaguchi feels deeply sorry for kissing the victim without considering her feelings after drinking alcohol. He has apologized sincerely to the victim and have settled.”

So he basically just comes away with a fine of sorts for sexually assaulting a minor. Uh … yeah.


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Hey, man.