Yoochun placed under arrest following his positive drug test

Following his positive drug test for meth, Yoochun has continued to deny that he used drugs anyway. Apparently that claim wasn’t convincing enough to authorities, as he was placed under arrest for purchasing and using drugs.

On April 26, the Suwon District Court issued a warrant for Park Yoochun’s arrest and stated, “The necessity for [Park Yoochun’s] arrest and its significance are recognized as there are concerns of [Park Yoochun] destroying evidence or fleeing.”

Park Yoochun is under suspicion of purchasing 1.5 grams of Philopon with his former girlfriend Hwang Ha Na on three occasions between February and March of 2019 and injecting the drugs five times.

Not much to say at this point, but it’s nice to see logical progress with the case at least.



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Hey, man.