Yoo Jae Suk, Hyori, and Rain walk into a bar…

On an earlier episode of MBC‘s How Do You Play, Yoo Jae Suk aimed to create a summer dance song and a co-ed group to boot. That eventually led him to Hyori down in Jeju, where she began to warm up to the idea.

“I suddenly feel attracted to this project. Wouldn’t I be good for a mixed gender group to light up the summer? I’m starting to get greedy about this.” She continued, “I’ve promoted a lot in the summer. As Fin.K.L and as a solo artist. I promoted when it was hot because you have to wear less clothes when it’s hot.”

They also did karaoke. You know, karaoke with Hyori, as one does.

Of course, there would need to be more members for this, and Rain seems to be next up.

This honestly seems like the beginning of a joke to me, hence the title.

Rain and Hyori are interesting for other amusing reasons old-ass K-pop fans might remember, but also just because it’s three superstars just casually gathered discussing maybe doing a co-ed music group for funsies.

All of these people are within my range of interest, so hopefully they make it happen. Honestly, the more the merrier in this group.


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