Quick Reviews: (G)I-DLE’s “Nxde” is an interesting concept with flawed execution

Following their smash hit “TOMBOY” (one that eventually grew on me), (G)I-DLE are back with “Nxde“, which has drawn a lot of praise in the build-up for their concept.

I do think that was deserved, as the high art-ish concept was indeed intriguing. However:

  1. The chorus of “TOMBOY” combined with their charisma eventually won me over despite some blatantly awkward parts, but man from the very start “Nxde” is asking a lot in terms of overlooking the obsession with odd English interjection and grating quasi-rap sections.
  2. The chorus on “Nxde” is supposed to be slinky, but instead is just a generic-sounding period instrumental with a surprising amount of dead air before some slow-paced vocal bursts.

The pre-chorus was the highlight here, and if the rest of the song was like that I could find myself buying in, but it wasn’t so it’s essentially an interesting concept with a scattershot and flawed execution.


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