Dynamic duo of Chuu & Tsuki can make picking pears entertaining on ‘Chuu Can Do It’

Ever since LOONA‘s (?) Chuu and Billlie‘s Tsuki got together on School Nurse, A Bro I Know, I’ve been waiting for them to hook-up again on a variety setting in some form as they seemed to work extremely well together.

Sure enough, at least somebody else agreed and Tsuki was a recent guest on Chuu Can Do It, where they went to pick premium organic pears.

Chuu is a walking content farm by herself, but paired with Tsuki things go like Super Saiyan and can make the most mundane tasks watchable throughout. It’s remarkable.

Enjoy the meme reenactments, horrified looks as a potential bullying scandal comes and goes, disdain at height difference, fart jokes, and heart fluttering moments as everything lands.

The dynamic duo desperately need a spin-off or something. Think of the content.


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Hey, man.