KARA do a glorious hits medley for Killing Voice, use MAMA as a comeback stage & deliver with another medley

Even more than getting their quality reunion comeback in “When I Move”, I’m glad KARA are doing the usual promotional rounds for it because they are another one of those groups that have the discography to make it just hit after hit (as they proved a bit earlier on MMTG).

Well, they haven’t let me down on the latest installment of Dingo Music‘s Killing Voice, doing “Rock U“, “Pretty Girl“, “Honey“, “Mister“, “Lupin“, “Jumping“, “STEP“, “RUNAWAY“, “MAMMA MIA“, and finally “When I Move“.



Speaking of finding a higher power, they also made 2022 MAMA their comeback stage, dropping a “When I Move” performance and a medley of “Lupin”, “STEP”, and “Mister” on everybody.

It’s wild to me that decade-old KARA songs are the star of an awards show, hyping up the crowd and the artists in attendance, and nobody wants to continue with that sound and those producers.

Regardless, so glad they’re back and it’s giving me everything I wanted from this reunion so far.


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Hey, man.